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Understanding Campaign Links (from a fortune cookie)

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The other day, our family was having dinner at a Chinese restaurant and for the first time, got a fortune cookie with an ad on the back of it. It was for a sleep company called Purple. I was immediately curious if they were tracking this as some kind of experimental campaign or if it was just something fun and novel that a marketer dreamed up. The url on the cookie insert was but… Read More »Understanding Campaign Links (from a fortune cookie)

Four Types Of Custom Google Analytics Goals You Need To Know

Most interactions that are tracked on your site can be broken down into one of these 4 goal types: Destination Goals – allows you to track when visitors reach a particular page or set of pages on your website. For example, when visitors reach “thank you,” “order completed,” or “add to cart” pages. Setup level: easy Duration Goals – typically used to track heavily engaged users who spend above average time lots browsing/researching on your… Read More »Four Types Of Custom Google Analytics Goals You Need To Know